Remember when you first wanted to start writing? Calls for submissions from local literary publications bore the faces of your favorite writers, captioned “This Could Be You.” But how–budding, in our 20s, with no fodder to speak of–could we measure up, no matter how hard academia tried to force the greats down our throats?

“Except You Are Not As Good” gives you that great big jab to the self, all you sometimes require to stop fixating and start writing. DUM DUM Editrix Liska Jacobs illuminates the folly that goes along with exposing oneself as a writer despite Plath and Hemingway lurching over our shoulders, scrutinizing every word. Her truths encourage us to liberate ourselves through a simple exercise of self-mockery.  We appreciate the dark humor, Liska.

Comment below if you’d like a face–err, life–sized cutout, and us Dummies will zip one right over. And if you submit a self-mocking photo to dumdumzine [at] gmail [dot] com, you’ll see your face featured on the DUM DUM Blog!


Click through to read Liska Jacob’s story from Issue No. 1, “A Conversation Between A Man and A Woman at Peet’s Coffee and Tea.”